Birth of Trajedy and Freedom Slaves
Excessive freedom leads to slavery.
More the freedm, more the slavery.
More the freedom, more is the trajedy of life.
Before the onset of crop based communities, humans were nomadic hunters of small groups moving with freedom without the need for accumulating wealth and assets. They had no possession except hunting materials and the skill to hunt but they had the freedom that is seldom known today to the gadget(s) holding modern humans. They probably did not know happiness (as per the 21st century definition) but they enjoyed freedom. The trajedy of human lives started earnestly when humans got their first freedom from hunting for food when the agricultural revolution was invented some eight thousand years ago.
Growth is fundmental and essential but in nature the growth is optional, opportunistic, nonlinear and random. Humans defined growth as linear and applied systematic models without understanding the fundamental flaw in that model. They have tried to achieve unsustainable growth without destroying weakness and meekness in the system. While nature destroys beings that are weak and allow growth of organisms that can adapt to changes, it also allows the organisms to grow stronger in their own characteristics and individualities. Humans had adapted wrongly that everyone must be strong in defined traits and skills and termed those who cannot meet the standards as weak and meek. All along, humans are trying to make them stronger to attain the defined traits wrongly unlike nature that would have allowed them to raise and become stronger in their own turf without forcing them to learn somethings that are unnatural to them. While doing so, humans are also destroying the stronger beings thereby destroying the true growth.
Hence, growth, as defined by the humans, is the birth of trajedy and it continues even today with increasing agony of life with dreams of ecstasy that is unreal and borrowed by credit.
When did humanity change or took a wrong turn? The most likely cause is when humans learnt the art of plundering and capturing slaves some ten thousand years ago when they moved from only hunters to crops based community living. It became easier for many of them to plunder other’s work instead of being creative and hard working in their own. Slaves made excellent choice for free hard working labour who could be treated inhumanly that made the masters to indulge in matters of erotica, pleasure and further plundering. These acts of plundering, and capturing were converted in to expansion of kingdoms and protection of loyal citizens (who were also forced to work hard and pay taxes – sometimes more than 50% of their earnings). Religion became a part of it sometime later and in the current modern world, religiously the words of “growth”, “development” and “empowerment” are copiously used. Despite all these, where do we stand really as a human being?
I believe strongly that we progressed outwardly as the time moved on with a need for becoming something. That need arose out of the “self” or “I” or “me” that was made or created during the Accumulation Stage. I define this Accumulation Stage as the period when the humans moved from just being hunters to community living based on crops with lesser needs of hunting. That is when individuals started accumulating wealth, power, their own tribes, small kingdoms, religion, knowledge, wife and family, heritage etc. Religion and kingdoms (loyalty to King goes with that) are two major aspects that fed the thirst for accumulation and the ego to become something.
However, while the humans evolved step by step, the brain also evolved in size and capability in time. However, the mind did not evolve in time. In fact, it never grew at all. Human’s mind is still exactly same as our ancestors (don’t think of you grandfathers but keep going back to Chimpanzees) and that is the struggle we have. It is still at the roots of seeking comfort, convenience, safety and happiness.
Men and women today think they are modern. Are they really? If so, how can they be slaves? Today there are more slaves than the entire Greek, Roman and Egyptian kingdoms all put together. Look around us. More than 90% of the men and women are slaves to paid and engineered media, commercial manipulations, organized self-serving religions and corrupt and dishonest politicians. They qualify affirmatively as “gullible” of the world. What happens to the remaining 10%? They too are gullible, but they know that and that is their strength. The 90% don’t think they are gullible but instead of they think they are intelligent. What they do not realize is that they are made to believe that they are empowered to make every decision in their life, but truth is just the opposite. The 10% make the decision for the 90% but they ensure that it does not seem so. That is why the 90% are slaves today and they just do what they are told through every possible media, engineered manipulation and advertisements.
Let us discuss further in this series.